Arnhem-A Bridge Too Far
King and Country Diorama of British airborne advancing thru Dutch City of Arnhem and encountering Panzer division from the movie “A Bridge too Far”
King and Country Diorama of British airborne advancing thru Dutch City of Arnhem and encountering Panzer division from the movie “A Bridge too Far”
River bank damage, row boat and “magic water effects” add interest to the scene
Tiger and Panther tanks from German Panzer division provide an unwanted surprise for the British Airborne entering Arnhem
Street scene of German Panzer troops for King and Country Diorama of British airborne advancing thru Dutch City of Arnhem and encountering Panzer division from the movie “A Bridge too Far”
British Airborne about to get surprised as they march into King and Country Diorama of British airborne advancing thru Dutch City of Arnhem and encountering Panzer division from the movie “A Bridge too Far”
River front scene for the King and Country Diorama of British airborne advancing thru Dutch City of Arnhem and encountering Panzer division from the movie “A Bridge too Far”
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